What does laser therapy have over other forms of therapy?
Class IV Laser therapy does not require the use of drugs or surgery so, there are less side effects or risks, and it is quick and convenient. Studies have shown that it is equal to or more effective than comparable forms of physical therapy such as ultrasound and far infrared. Some pain relief is often immediate.
How does Class IV Laser work?
Class IV Laser therapy is a photo bio-chemical process. The laser photons increase the cells ability to take in oxygen and nutrients and pass out wastes and toxins. It further increases the permeability of the cell, which allows for a sharp decrease in swelling, pain and inflammation. These high-powered photons react with the chromophores in the mitochondria of the cells to produce Adenosine Tri Phosphate (ATP), the chemical energy required for healing and rejuvenation. One research study demonstrated a blocking effect in the inflammatory cascade much like that of a COX inhibiting anti-inflammatory. The light photons have been shown to inhibit a chemical known as Prostaglandin E2 as well as another cytokine called Interleukin 1B thereby effecting a block in the inflammatory cascade relieving pain. In simple English it accelerates healing and restoration of function by turning light energy into healing energy!
Does it hurt? What does the treatment feel like?
There is usually little or no sensation during treatment. Occasionally one feels mild, soothing warmth. Laser treatment is relaxing and some people even fall asleep. On the other hand, in some cases pain can increase or begin 6-24 hours after a treatment session. This is because the laser light starts the healing process. All healing begins with a slight amount of mild inflammation. This type of pain is particularly likely to arise when the health problems are chronic in nature and the nerves are highly sensitized. It usually subsides after a few days but can, in rare cases, may last longer.
How long does the treatment take?
The typical course of treatment is 10-minutes, depending on the size of the area treated. Acute conditions may be treated daily, particularly if they are accompanied by significant pain. Problems that are more chronic respond better when treatments are received 2 to 3 times a week. Treatment plans are determined on an individual basis.
How many treatments does it take?
This depends on the nature of the condition being treated. For some acute conditions, 2 to 6 treatments may be sufficient. More chronic conditions may require 10-15 sessions. Conditions such as severe arthritis may require ongoing periodic care to control pain.
How long before results are felt?
You may feel improvement in your condition after the very first treatment. Each treatment is cumulative and results are often felt after 2 to 4 sessions. Treatments just take a few minutes, however the therapeutic effect continues to sooth and heal long after you leave the clinic.
Are the results long lasting?
Therapeutic Laser Therapy is about healing. It's not about masking or covering up a condition. When you feel better from this therapy... it's because you are better. Therefore, results have been found to be quite long lasting.